
Master the job hunt, sell yourself fiercely, and love where you work. 

  • Professional Prime

    Eight-week 1:1 comprehensive coaching will cover all the juiciest and meatiest parts of your job hunt. You'll make moves with conviction and advocate for yourself with confidence so you can hit career highs. You'll learn the ins and outs of the job search process, interviewing, networking, compensation negotiations, and positioning yourself strategically and genuinely to stand out among your peers. Land the job you want, get compensated generously, and enjoy the abundance of the life that affords you!

  • The Confident Interviewer

    Sell yourself with enthusiasm, specificity, and authenticity, and nail your next interview or presentation. You'll learn all the tools to master the art of interviewing and presenting, so you can approach every interview feeling prepared, confident, and ready to articulate your compelling history, skills, and strengths. The strategies you'll gain will help you perfect your flow, tailor responses to be strong and relevant, and help you feel comfortable being in conversation about yourself and what you can do for employers.

Schedule a free 30-minute job assessment and consult. I’ll personally review your resume and job postings. There's no pressure or obligation. Really.